
Fresh Start Testing Inc.

Arete Soft Labs proudly presents our partnership with Fresh Start Testing Inc., a distinguished North American distributor specializing in Daphne lab BioMetaTests—advanced nutritional intolerance testing. Our mission was clear: to redesign their website, elevating their digital presence to match the caliber of their medical expertise.

Project Highlights

  • Custom Professional Design: To reflect the professionalism and expertise synonymous with Fresh Start Testing, we crafted a custom design that exudes credibility and authority in the medical field. This design ensures that every visitor perceives Fresh Start Testing as a leader in nutritional intolerance testing.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: In an era of mobile browsing dominance, we made certain that the website design flawlessly adapts to diverse devices and screen sizes. This mobile responsiveness guarantees an exceptional user experience, regardless of how visitors access the site.
  • Multilingual Website: As a North American distributor catering to diverse regions, Fresh Start Testing required a multilingual website. Our team seamlessly implemented English and French versions, ensuring accessibility to a broader audience and enhancing user experience.
  • Effortless Content Management: Recognizing the importance of easy content management, we chose WordPress CMS. This intuitive platform empowers Fresh Start Testing to effortlessly manage and update their website, keeping their content relevant and up to date.
  • Find a Practitioner Module: To facilitate the search for qualified practitioners, we integrated a map-based “Find a Practitioner” module. Leveraging the power of the Google Maps API, this feature assists users in locating nearby healthcare professionals efficiently.

The Fresh Start Testing Inc.’s WordPress website redesign embodies our commitment to creating digital solutions that align seamlessly with our client’s unique needs. By blending multilingual capabilities, user-friendly content management, and a captivating custom design, we’ve provided Fresh Start Testing with a platform that positions them as leaders in their industry and enables them to better serve their diverse clientele.

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Project Key Features

  • Custom WordPress Web Design
  • Multilingual- English and French
  • Responsive Design
  • Find a Practitioner Module with Google Maps API
  • SEO Optimization



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