WooCommerce WordPress

Bartell Global

Arete Soft Labs proudly presents our collaboration with Bartell Global, a renowned construction equipment manufacturer based in Toronto. As a leading name in North America’s construction equipment industry, Bartell Global needed a digital solution that would unite its various brands, streamline product offerings, and surpass competitors like Case Construction and John Deere.

Project Highlights

We embarked on the journey to consolidate their different brands, each with unique identities and websites, into a single, cohesive North American platform. Our team customized WordPress to create a unified website that seamlessly integrates Bartell Global’s diverse product portfolio and brand identities, setting a new standard for the industry. Navigating through thousands of products can be overwhelming. Our custom navigation system simplifies the user experience, making it effortless for customers to find and explore products of interest.

To enhance the user experience and streamline lead capture, we implemented a quote cart. Users can add multiple products to the cart and request a quote in one go. With HubSpot integration, all leads from the website are seamlessly captured in HubSpot CRM.

Bartell Global now boasts a unified, high-performance WordPress and WooCommerce platform that not only surpasses competitors but also simplifies the user journey. With custom design, navigation, responsive capabilities, and HubSpot CRM integration, Bartell Global stands as a frontrunner in the construction equipment manufacturing industry.

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Project Key Features

  • Custom WordPress & WooCommerce Development
  • UI/UX Design Creation
  • Responsive Design
  • Dealer Locator Module
  • HubSpot Integration
  • SEO Implementation


Construction Equipment Manufacturer

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