
Baraka Care Homes

Baraka Care Home, nestled in the heart of Saskatoon, SK, is a haven of comfort and care for seniors. Recognizing the importance of a digital presence to inform, engage, and generate inquiries from potential residents and their families, Baraka Care Home partnered with Arete Soft Labs. Our mission? To craft a bespoke senior care home website design that not only informs but also nurtures engagement, fosters trust through testimonials, and supports lead generation through an online inquiry form. The result is a digital masterpiece seamlessly blending a custom responsive design, WordPress integration, a gallery module for virtual facility tours, and the transformative touch of SEO optimization.

Project Highlights

  • Custom Responsive Website Design: In an era where digital experiences span devices and screen sizes, a responsive design is non-negotiable. Baraka Care Home demanded a website that would adapt seamlessly to cater to the diverse digital landscape. Our team embraced this challenge with devotion, crafting a custom responsive design that ensures an impeccable browsing experience, regardless of the visitor’s choice of device.
  • WordPress CMS: At the heart of Baraka Care Home’s digital presence is WordPress, a versatile and dynamic content management system. With WordPress seamlessly integrated, the care home can effortlessly manage content updates, resources, and inquiries, ensuring their digital platform remains a trusted source of information and support.
  • Virtual Facility Tour: Senior care decisions are deeply personal and require trust. We introduced a gallery module that provides virtual facility tours, allowing potential residents and their families to explore the care home from the comfort of their screens, fostering transparency and trust.
  • Online Inquiry Form: Supporting lead generation and inquiries is paramount. We integrated an online inquiry form, streamlining the process for potential residents or their families to reach out, ask questions, and express interest in the exceptional care Baraka Care Home provides.
  • Testimonials Module: Trust is built on the words of those who’ve experienced it firsthand. We incorporated a testimonials module, allowing residents and their families to share their heartfelt experiences, reinforcing Baraka Care Home’s reputation for compassionate senior care.
  • SEO Optimization: In a digital realm teeming with voices, visibility is key. We executed comprehensive SEO optimization strategies, ensuring that Baraka Care Home’s website consistently ranks prominently in search engine results. This digital prominence draws in potential residents and their families, solidifying the care home’s online presence as a trusted and caring senior care provider.

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Project Key Features

  • Custom responsive website design
  • WordPress Integration
  • Gallery Module
  • Online inquiry form
  • Testimonials module
  • SEO Optimization


Senior Care Home

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