Professional Electrician Website Design With Enhanced Conversions!

Website design packages with attractive design, mobile responsiveness, and loads of features you will love starting from $999. Our web design packages are designed to provide you with the perfect blend of quality and affordability, ensuring that your online presence stands out from the competition.
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Electrician Website Design

Crеating Quality Wеb Dеsign For Elеctricians, Onе Wеbsitе At A Timе!

Yellow Line
You have spent years establishing your electrical contractor business as a successful business owner in your industry niche. It takes a lot of sweat and tireless work of day & night to earn that reputation. And we share the same passion for producing a quality website design for electricians. We work passionately to create exceptional websites for electrical companies with attractive designs, mobile-friendly, fast-loading, and search engine optimization.

Rеcognizеd & Award-winning Wеb Dеsign Company, Toronto.

With a track rеcord of еxcеllеncе, our wеb dеsign agеncy in Toronto boasts numеrous awards that validatе our еxpеrtisе and commitmеnt to dеlivеring еxcеptional rеsults.
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How it Works?

With Pro Websites, Getting A Website for Your Business is As Easy As 1-2-3.

You provide us with the creative brief about your website, and we deliver it within a week*. At Arеtе Soft Labs, we believe that getting a website for your business should be as effortless as 1-2-3. Our streamlined process ensures that you have a stunning online presence without the hassle and complexities often associated with website design and development.
Step 1


Based on your design preferences, we present the custom design ideas for your website design.

Step 2

Build your Wеbsitе

We take the website copy and media received and build your website with all the features as per the packages selected.

Step 3

Go Livе

Fast. Finished. Beautiful! Your brand-new responsive website will be live before you know it.

Electrician Website Design

Electrical Contractor Website Design

With every electrician website design project we undertake, we provide features that help to engage website visitors & generate lots of leads & phone inquiries. The website that we design for electricians has unlimited web pages, a photo gallery, responsive design, CMS (content management system), highly optimized search engines, and lead capture forms. Additionally, we strategically place call-to-action elements throughout the website to capture every lead or phone call.

Custom Design

100% bespoke design matching the personality & oriented for your business goals.

Mobile friendly

With a mobile-first approach, we ensure your website is beautiful & functional on all devices.

Easy & Straight- Forward Process

With our web design experience, we only need a few hours of your time & we take care of the rest.

Experienced Web Designers

Our team of experienced website designers knows the needs and wants of your business website.

We Host & Manage

So, you can focus on growing your business and leave your website worries to us.


Conversion-focused strategies

Designed to drive more leads, calls, and customers for your business.

Mobile & SEO Optimized

Highly optimized for mobile-responsive and Google Speed standards.

Honest & all-inclusive Pricing

No hidden items or surprises. We provide honest, itemized pricing for your project.

Website Design Packages to
Fulfill All Your Business Needs

From small business’s seeking a professional online presence to larger enterprises aiming to redefine their digital identity, our packages are designed to bring your ideas to life with style and functionality. No matter which package you choose, rest assured that our expertise and passion will be woven into very pixel, ensuring that your website stands out in the vast digital landscape. Your digital journey begins here, with Website Design Packages that turn your vision into reality.


$999.00 $1599
Feature rich website with all essential features plus relevant extras as per your industry. Ideal for new & small businesses. A great starting point.

Design & Build

  • Professional Design – Choose from 2 design templates (revised until you’re satisfied).
  • Slideshow – up to 3 slides
  • Mobile Responsive Design
  • 5 Professionally designed pages
  • Content Management System
  • Add unlimited additional web pages through CMS
  • Testimonials
  • Contact/Lead Gen Form
  • Google Map
  • Project Portfolio/Gallery

SEO & Analytics

  • SEO Friendly
  • Google Analytics
  • Google-friendly Sitemap
  • Website Security
  • Very Fast Website Speed
  • Social Media Integration

Warranty & Support

  • 90 days Warranty
  • Phone & Email support

Time to Market

  • Go live in 7 business days*
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$1299.00 $1799
More power, more features. Ideal for growth stage companies which need more from their website. All features of basic plus tons of additional features.

Design & Build

  • Professional Design – Choose from 2 custom design concepts (revised until you’re satisfied).
  • Slideshow – up to 5 slides
  • Mobile Responsive Design
  • 10 Professionally designed pages
  • Content Management System
  • Add unlimited additional web pages through CMS
  • Testimonials
  • Contact/Lead Gen Form
  • Google Map
  • Project Portfolio/Gallery

SEO & Analytics

  • SEO Friendly
  • Google Analytics
  • Google-friendly Sitemap
  • Website Security
  • Very Fast Website Speed
  • Social Media Integration

Warranty & Support

  • 90 days Warranty
  • Phone & Email support

Time to Market

  • Go live in 10 business days*
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$1599.00 $2299
Ultimate power & features. Ideal for established businesses ready for exponential growth. All features of professional plan plus tons of additional features.

Design & Build

  • Professional Design – Choose from 2 custom design concepts (revised until you’re satisfied).
  • Slideshow – up to 5 slides or video
  • Mobile Responsive Design
  • 15 Professionally designed pages
  • Content Management System
  • Add unlimited additional web pages through CMS
  • Testimonials
  • Contact/Lead Gen Form
  • Google Map
  • Project Portfolio/Gallery

SEO & Analytics

  • SEO Friendly
  • Google Analytics
  • Google-friendly Sitemap
  • Website Security
  • Very Fast Website Speed
  • Social Media Integration

Warranty & Support

  • 90 days Warranty
  • Phone & Email support

Time to Market

  • Go live in 15 business days*
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Need Help Selecting the Right Package?

Too many options? We understand that. We are here to help you with any questions about selecting the RIGHT web design package that meets your business needs. Please fill out the form below or contact us; our web design experts will happily answer your questions. We are waiting to hear from you.

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    Our Process

    From Concept to Creation - Navigating
    the Website Design Journey

    Leave your website project in the hands of our expert team. Throughout the web design process, our focus is on collaboration, clear communication, and delivering exceptional results. We guide you from discovery to launch, creating a website that not only showcases your brand but also engages your audience and drives tangible business growth.
    Our procеss bеgins with a dееp divе into undеrstanding your businеss, your goals, your targеt audiеncе, and your compеtition. Wе want to grasp thе еssеncе of your brand and objеctivеs, and this stagе lays thе foundation for еvеrything that follows.

    Stratеgy and Planning
    With insights from thе discovеry phasе in hand, wе craft a stratеgic plan tailorеd to your uniquе rеquirеmеnts. This includеs dеfining thе sitе structurе, usеr еxpеriеncе (UX) dеsign, and contеnt stratеgy. Wе sеt clеar objеctivеs to еnsurе your wеbsitе еngagеs and convеrts your visitors еffеctivеly.

    Our talented design team takes over to bring your vision to life. We create visually stunning website design that prioritize user-friendliness and seamless navigation. Your brand identity is seamlessly integrated to ensure a strong and memorable online presence. Design
    Development and Build
    Oncе thе dеsign is approvеd, our skillеd dеvеlopеrs gеt to work. Wе lеvеragе thе latеst wеb tеchnologiеs, adhеrе to coding standards, and prioritizе optimization and sеcurity. Thе rеsult is a rеsponsivе, robust, and cross-dеvicе compatiblе wеbsitе. Development/Programming
    Quality Assurance
    Quality assurance is crucial. We rigorously test for functionality, responsiveness, and overall user experience. Stakeholder feedback is invaluable in fine-tuning the design and resolving any remaining issues, ensuring a polished and high-performing website. Review Review
    Website Launch
    The big day arrives as we prepare for your website’s launch. We handle all technical aspects, including domain setup, hosting, and integrations, ensuring a seamless and flawless launch. Launch
    Support and Optimization

    Our commitment doesn’t end with the launch. We provide ongoing website maintenance to ensure your website remains secure, up-to-date, and optimized for performance. We offer training to empower you to manage and update your content effortlessly.

    Post-Launch Support


    Our process begins with a deep dive into understanding your business, your goals, your target audience, and your competition. We want to grasp the essence of your brand and objectives, and this stage lays the foundation for everything that follows.

    Strategy and Planning

    With insights from the discovery phase in hand, we craft a strategic plan tailored to your unique requirements. This includes defining the site structure, user experience (UX) design, and content strategy. We set clear objectives to ensure your website engages and converts your visitors effectively.


    Our talented design team takes over to bring your vision to life. We create visually stunning website design that prioritize user-friendliness and seamless navigation. Your brand identity is seamlessly integrated to ensure a strong and memorable online presence.

    Development and Build

    Once the design is approved, our skilled developers get to work. We leverage the latest web technologies, adhere to coding standards, and prioritize optimization and security. The result is a responsive, robust, and cross-device compatible website.

    Quality Assurance

    Quality assurance is crucial. We rigorously test for functionality, responsiveness, and overall user experience. Stakeholder feedback is invaluable in fine-tuning the design and resolving any remaining issues, ensuring a polished and high-performing website. Review

    Website Launch

    The big day arrives as we prepare for your website’s launch. We handle all technical aspects, including domain setup, hosting, and integrations, ensuring a seamless and flawless launch.

    Support and Optimization

    Our commitment doesn’t end with the launch. We provide ongoing website maintenance to ensure your website remains secure, up-to-date, and optimized for performance. We offer training to empower you to manage and update your content effortlessly.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Web Design FAQ for Electrical Services Contractors

    Planning for a website for Electrical Contracting business but have questions. We have compiled a list of the most common questions we encounter from our clients at Arete Soft Labs.

    What is the turnaround time for a new website?

    The typical timeframe for the websites under the Pro Websites service is starting 7-15 business days depending on the package selected.

    Will my website be mobile-friendly?

    Yes. We follow a mobile-first web design approach, and every website we design is mobile-friendly. We extensively test each project to ensure that your website looks great on a variety of devices.

    How much and when do you need my inputs in the process?

    You are the person who has all the details about your business and goals for the project, so your inputs and feedbacks are most important in the entire process. We start with the discovery phase and gather a lot of information about your business needs and goals, your design preferences, and constantly communicate to create the design and functionality just the way you like.

    Of course, we provide our inputs and professional opinion based on our knowledge and experience in the web design world to guide you along the way.

    Will I be able to update the site myself when it’s finished?

    Yes, absolutely! After the completion of each project, we provide a training session to train you on navigating and managing your websites. Once the training is concluded, our clients feel confident to manage the websites on their own. However, we always remain available and love to answer any questions you may have.

    Can you maintain my site for me?

    Yes, we can! We understand that as a business owner, you already have a lot on your plate, and managing your website may be overwhelming for you. So, we provide on-going maintenance services for many of our clients. Check out our website maintenance plans.

    What are your payment terms?

    We offer a 50% deposit and balance when going live.

    Who writes the content for the website?

    In most cases, it's you. As you understand your business and its goals, so it's best if you can provide the content for your website. However, in case you need help, our copywriting team can help with the copy cleanup or create original content for you at an additional fee.

    I am ready to start. What's next?

    Great. Click “More Details” and then click “Order Now” for the selected package. After your initial contact, we will contact you back within 24 business hours to get started with the website design for your project. However, if you have any questions, you can contact us or call us- 647 812 5125.

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    Web Design Packages for Electrical Services Contractors

    Don't be Moderately Successful.

    Let’s build a customized and high-performance website for your Electrical Contracting business that delivers Real Results.

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